This image shows Lukas Schmelzeisen

Lukas Schmelzeisen

Analytic Computing


Room: 2.311a

  1. 2020

    1. Hogan, A., Blomqvist, E., Cochez, M., d’Amato, C., de Melo, G., Gutierrez, C., Gayo, J. E. L., Kirrane, S., Neumaier, S., Polleres, A., Navigli, R., Ngomo, A.-C. N., Rashid, S. M., Rula, A., Schmelzeisen, L., Sequeda, J. F., Staab, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2020). Knowledge Graphs. CoRR, abs/2003.02320.
  2. 2019

    1. Schmelzeisen, L., & Staab, S. (2019). Learning Taxonomies of Concepts and not Words using Contextualized Word Representations: A Position Paper. CoRR, abs/1902.02169.
    2. Baris, I., Schmelzeisen, L., & Staab, S. (2019). CLEARumor at SemEval-2019 Task 7: ConvoLving ELMo Against Rumors. In J. May, E. Shutova, A. Herbelot, X. Zhu, M. Apidianaki, & S. M. Mohammad (Eds.), SemEval@NAACL-HLT (pp. 1105–1109). Association for Computational Linguistics.
    3. Baris, I., Schmelzeisen, L., & Staab, S. (2019). CLEARumor at SemEval-2019 Task 7: ConvoLving ELMo Against Rumors. CoRR, abs/1904.03084.
  • NASTY: a tool/library for retrieving Tweets for arbitrary criteria via the Twitter Web UI. As opposed to using the Twitter Developer API, this allows extended functionality and by-passes certain rate-limits.
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