The Analytic Computing research group is endowed by the Cyber Valley initiative to further Artificial Intelligence at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen and the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems. Our research targets
- Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs,
- Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction,
- Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing,
- Machine Learning and Simulation,
- Reflection on the Web, AI and Society.
We have leading roles in the DFG Excellence Cluster Data-integrated Simulation Science (SimTech), the Cyber Valley Initiative, the Industrial Data Lab, the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), and the Web Science Trust. We contribute our expertise to the DFG Excellence Cluster Integrative Computational Design and Construction (IntCDC), the Stuttgart Unit of the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), and the International Max-Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS).
Interested in joining the team?
If you are interested in joining the group, we recruit via IMPRS-IS
Want to visit us?
We are not located in the main computer science building. Please see how to find us at Universitätsstraße 32 on our contact page.
If you have an appointment in our lab, you can find it in room 1.202 on the 2nd floor. The lab is not generally open to the public.
Steffen Staab
Prof. Dr.Managing Director
Juliane Rohlmann
Financial & HR Management - AC
Anastasiya Makarenko
Secretary and Team Assistant – AC