Language Integrated Semantic Queries

Language Integrated Semantic Queries

Graph-based data models allow for flexible data representation as needed for data exchange and integration. A graph-based data model includes structural information and it may include also, in the case of semantic data, schematic information as part of the data. The flexibility of graph-based data models makes them attractive, but programming with such data models is error-prone. A major reason is lack of type-safe integration into programming languages leaving the burden of correct typing on the programmer. Our goal is to allow for type-safe programming with graph data. This entails the integration of logics-based data descriptions into the type checking process of programming languages.

Operating Time: 01/2018 - 08/2021

Source of Funding: DFG- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Lämmel

Web Site: LISeQ

Project Members

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