KI Institute with five working groups - more are planned
The AI Institute comprises the two "Cyber Valley" professorships "Analytic Computing" (Steffen Staab) and "Autonomous Systems" (Kai Arras), the professorship "Machine Learning in Simulation Sciences" (Mathias Niepert), which is part of the Cluster of Excellence "Data-integrated Simulation Science" (SimTech), the junior professorship "Autonomous Sensing and Perception Systems" (Alina Roitberg) and the professorship for "Machine Learning and Robotics", which is currently being filled. There are also plans to expand the institute with professorships in the field of intelligent robotics.
Networked via Cyber Valley, ELLIS, Cluster of Excellence and more.
The new institute's good networking with numerous international and intra-university initiatives related to AI is not only demonstrated by the participation of Cyber Valley and SimTech. The University of Stuttgart's second cluster of excellence, "Integrative Computer-Based Design and Construction for Architecture" (IntCDC), also relies on advances in AI for its research tasks. As part of the international network "European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems", the ELLIS Unit Stuttgart promotes the exchange of knowledge with top-class universities throughout Europe. The Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA) links interdisciplinary research and education at the Stuttgart site, and the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS) critically examines societal implications of intelligent systems.