This image shows Raphael Menges

Raphael Menges


Analytic Computing


Room: 2.311a


Gaze-based Interaction, Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning

Hedeshy, R., Kumar, C., Menges, R., & Staab, S. (2021). Hummer: Text Entry by Gaze and Hum. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery.

Menges, R., Kramer, S., Hill, S., Nisslmueller, M., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2020). A Visualization Tool for Eye Tracking Data Analysis in the Web. In ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Association for Computing Machinery.

Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2020). Eye tracking for Interaction: Adapting Multimedia Interfaces. 83–116.

Kumar, C., Menges, R., Sengupta, K., & Staab, S. (2020). Eye tracking for Interaction: Evaluation Methods. 117–144.

Hedeshy, R., Kumar, C., Menges, R., & Staab, S. (2020). GIUPlayer: A Gaze Immersive YouTube Player Enabling Eye Control and Attention Analysis. In ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Association for Computing Machinery.

Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2019). Improving User Experience of Eye Tracking-Based Interaction: Introspecting and Adapting Interfaces. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 26(6), 37:1–37:46.

Sengupta, K., Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2019). Impact of Variable Positioning of Text Prediction in Gaze-based Text Entry. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (pp. 74:1–74:9). ACM.

Kumar, C., Akbari, D., Menges, R., MacKenzie, S., & Staab, S. (2019). TouchGazePath: Multimodal Interaction with Touch and Gaze Path for Secure Yet Efficient PIN Entry. In 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 329–338). ACM.

Lichtenberg, N., Menges, R., Ageev, V., George, A., Heimer, P., Imhof, D., & Lawonn, K. (2018). Analyzing Residue Surface Proximity to Interpret Molecular Dynamics. Computer Graphics Forum.

Menges, R., Tamimi, H., Kumar, C., Walber, T., Schaefer, C., & Staab, S. (2018). Enhanced Representation of Web Pages for Usability Analysis with Eye Tracking. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (pp. 18:1–18:9). ACM.

Sengupta, K., Ke, M., Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2018). Hands-free Web Browsing: Enriching the User Experience with Gaze and Voice Modality. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (pp. 88:1–88:3). ACM.

Sengupta, K., Sun, J., Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2017). Analyzing the Impact of Cognitive Load in Evaluating Gaze-Based Typing. In 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (pp. 787–792). IEEE.

Kumar, C., Menges, R., & Staab, S. (2017). Assessing the Usability of Gaze-Adapted Interface against Conventional Eye-Based Input Emulation. In 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (pp. 793–798). IEEE.

Kumar, C., Menges, R., Müller, D., & Staab, S. (2017). Chromium Based Framework to Include Gaze Interaction in Web Browser. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (pp. 219–223). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.

Sengupta, K., Menges, R., Kumar, C., & Staab, S. (2017). GazeTheKey: Interactive Keys to Integrate Word Predictions for Gaze-based Text Entry. In Proceedings of the 22Nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (pp. 121–124). ACM.

Menges, R., Kumar, C., Müller, D., & Sengupta, K. (2017). GazeTheWeb: A Gaze-Controlled Web Browser. In Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference on The Future of Accessible Work (pp. 25:1–25:2). ACM.

Menges, R., Kumar, C., Wechselberger, U., Schaefer, C., Walber, T., & Staab, S. (2017). Schau genau! A Gaze-Controlled 3D Game for Entertainment and Education. In Journal of Eye Movement Research (pp. 220).

Kumar, C., Menges, R., & Staab, S. (2016). Eye-Controlled Interfaces for Multimedia Interaction. IEEE MultiMedia, 23(4), 6–13.

Menges, R., Kumar, C., Sengupta, K., & Staab, S. (2016). eyeGUI: A Novel Framework for Eye-Controlled User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 121:1–121:6). ACM.

Schaefer, C., Kuich, M., Menges, R., Schmidt, K., & Walber, T. (2014). Schau genau! - an Eye Tracking Game With a Purpose.
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