Universitätsstraße 32
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.312b
Alayary, Y., Shoukry, N., Abd El Ghany, M.A. and Salem, M.A.M., Face Masked and Unmasked Humans Detection and Tracking in Video Surveillance.
Shoukry, N., Abd El Ghany, M.A. and Salem, M.A.M., 2022. Multi-Modal Long-Term Person Re-Identification Using Physical Soft Bio-Metrics and Body Figure. Applied Sciences, 12(6), p.2835.
Gamal, A., Shoukry, N., and Salem, M.A.M., 2021, December. Long-Term Person Re-identification Model with a Strong Feature Extractor. In 2021 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS) (pp. 74-79). IEEE.
Shoukry, N., Ehab, F. and Salem, M.A.M., 2021, December. An Improved Deep Learning Model for Early Fire and Smoke Detection on Edge Vision Unit. In 2021 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS) (pp. 66-73). IEEE.
Shoukry, N., Elkilany, O., Thiam, P., Kessler, V. and Schwenker, F., 2020. Subject-independent Pain Recognition using Physiological Signals and Para-linguistic Vocalizations. In ICPRAM (pp. 142-150).
German International University
- Data Structures and Algorithms (CSEN 301): Teaching Assistant (Winter 2020/2021).
- Introduction to Computer Science (CSEN 102): Teaching Assistant (Winter 2020/2021).
- Introduction to Media Engineering (CSEN 501): Teaching Assistant (Spring 2020/2021).
Introduction to Computer Programming (CSEN 202): Teaching Assistant (Spring 2020/2021).
German University in Cairo
- Data Structures and Algorithms (CSEN 301): Assistant Lecturer (Winter 2021/2022).
- Bachelor Project: 8th Semester BSc Computer Science and Engineering, Co-supervisor (Spring 2020/2021, 2021/2022).
The Knowledge Hub Universities: Coventry University
- Networking 2 (KH5064CEM): Assistant Lecturer (Winter 2021/2022).
- Programming and Algorithms 2 (KH4061CEM): Assistant Lecturer (Winter 2021/2022).
- Skills Development 2 (KH4062CEM): Lecturer (Spring 2021/2022).
- Cyber Security Careers: Assistant Lecturer (Spring 2021/2022).
Foundations of Cyber Security (KH4064CEM): Assistant Lecturer (Spring 2021/2022).
- Vision Computing and Systems:
- Integrated AI in Teaching at the University of Stuttgart (IKILeUS):