Seven full papers and four workshop papers have been accepted at the top conference, NeurIPS 2024, highlighting the research and development of learning systems at the AI Institute.

December 5, 2024

Full conference papers:

Authors: Luiz F. O. Chamon, Mohammad Reza Karimi, Anna Korba

Title: Constrained sampling with primal-dual Langevin Monte Carlo

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: This work considers the problem of sampling from a probability distribution known up to a normalization constant while satisfying a set of statistical constraints specified by the expected values of general nonlinear functions. This problem finds applications in, e.g., Bayesian inference, where it can constrain moments to evaluate counterfactual scenarios or enforce desiderata such as prediction fairness. Methods developed to handle support constraints, such as those based on mirror maps, barriers, and penalties, are not suited for this task. This work therefore relies on gradient descent-ascent dynamics in Wasserstein space to put forward a discrete-time primal-dual Langevin Monte Carlo algorithm (PD-LMC) that simultaneously constrains the target distribution and samples from it. We analyze the convergence of PD-LMC under standard assumptions on the target distribution and constraints, namely (strong) convexity and log-Sobolev inequalities. To do so, we bring classical optimization arguments for saddle-point algorithms to the geometry of Wasserstein space. We illustrate the relevance and effectiveness of PD-LMC in several applications.


Authors: Chendi Qian, Andrei Manolache, Christopher Morris, Mathias Niepert

Title: Probabilistic Graph Rewiring via Virtual Nodes

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: Message-passing graph neural networks (MPNNs) have emerged as a powerful paradigm for graph-based machine learning. Despite their effectiveness, MPNNs face challenges such as under-reaching and over-squashing, where limited receptive fields and structural bottlenecks hinder information flow in the graph. While graph transformers hold promise in addressing these issues, their scalability is limited due to quadratic complexity regarding the number of nodes, rendering them impractical for larger graphs. Here, we propose implicitly rewired message-passing neural networks (IPR-MPNNs), a novel approach that integrates implicit probabilistic graph rewiring into MPNNs. By introducing a small number of virtual nodes, i.e., adding additional nodes to a given graph and connecting them to existing nodes, in a differentiable, end-to-end manner, IPR-MPNNs enable long-distance message propagation, circumventing quadratic complexity. Theoretically, we demonstrate that IPR-MPNNs surpass the expressiveness of traditional MPNNs. Empirically, we validate our approach by showcasing its ability to mitigate under-reaching and over-squashing effects, achieving state-of-the-art performance across multiple graph datasets. Notably, IPR-MPNNs outperform graph transformers while maintaining significantly faster computational efficiency.

Authors: Hoai-Chau Tran, Duy Minh Ho Nguyen, Manh-Duy Nguyen, TrungTin Nguyen, Ngan Hoang Le, Pengtao Xie, Daniel Sonntag, James Zou, Binh T. Nguyen, Mathias Niepert

Title: Accelerating Transformers with Spectrum-Preserving Token Merging

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: Increasing the throughput of the Transformer architecture, a foundational component used in numerous state-of-the-art models for vision and language tasks (e.g., GPT, LLaVa), is an important problem in machine learning. One recent and effective strategy is to merge token representations within Transformer models, aiming to reduce computational and memory requirements while maintaining accuracy. Prior works have proposed algorithms based on Bipartite Soft Matching (BSM), which divides tokens into distinct sets and merges the top k similar tokens. However, these methods have significant drawbacks, such as sensitivity to token-splitting strategies and damage to informative tokens in later layers. This paper presents a novel paradigm called PiToMe, which prioritizes the preservation of informative tokens using an additional metric termed the energy score. This score identifies large clusters of similar tokens as high-energy, indicating potential candidates for merging, while smaller (unique and isolated) clusters are considered as low-energy and preserved. Experimental findings demonstrate that PiToMe saved from 40-60% FLOPs of the base models while exhibiting superior off-the-shelf performance on image classification (0.5% average performance drop of ViT-MAE-H compared to 2.6% as baselines), image-text retrieval (0.3% average performance drop of CLIP on Flickr30k compared to 4.5% as others), and analogously in visual questions answering with LLaVa-7B. Furthermore, PiToMe is theoretically shown to preserve intrinsic spectral properties of the original token space under mild conditions.


Authors: Viktor Zaverkin, Francesco Alesiani, Takashi Maruyama, Federico Errica, Henrik Christiansen, Makoto Takamoto, Nicolas Weber, Mathias Niepert

Title: Higher-Rank Irreducible Cartesian Tensors for Equivariant Message Passing

Proceedings: In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: The ability to perform fast and accurate atomistic simulations is crucial for advancing the chemical sciences. By learning from high-quality data, machine-learned interatomic potentials achieve accuracy on par with ab initio and first-principles methods at a fraction of their computational cost. The success of machine-learned interatomic potentials arises from integrating inductive biases such as equivariance to group actions on an atomic system, e.g., equivariance to rotations and reflections. In particular, the field has notably advanced with the emergence of equivariant message passing. Most of these models represent an atomic system using spherical tensors, tensor products of which require complicated numerical coefficients and can be computationally demanding. Cartesian tensors offer a promising alternative, though state-of-the-art methods lack flexibility in message-passing mechanisms, restricting their architectures and expressive power. This work explores higher-rank irreducible Cartesian tensors to address these limitations. We integrate irreducible Cartesian tensor products into message-passing neural networks and prove the equivariance and traceless property of the resulting layers. Through empirical evaluations on various benchmark data sets, we consistently observe on-par or better performance than that of state-of-the-art spherical and Cartesian models.

Authors: Kunyu Peng, Di Wen, Kailun Yang, Ao Luo, Yufan Chen, Jia Fu, M. Saquib Sarfraz, Alina Roitberg, Rainer Stiefelhagen

Title: Advancing Open-Set Domain Generalization Using Evidential Bi-Level Hardest Domain Scheduler

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: In Open-Set Domain Generalization (OSDG), the model is exposed to both new variations of data appearance (domains) and open-set conditions, where both known and novel categories are present at test time. The challenges of this task arise from the dual need to generalize across diverse domains and accurately quantify category novelty, which is critical for applications in dynamic environments. Recently, meta-learning techniques have demonstrated superior results in OSDG, effectively orchestrating the meta-train and -test tasks by employing varied random categories and predefined domain partition strategies. These approaches prioritize a well-designed training schedule over traditional methods that focus primarily on data augmentation and the enhancement of discriminative feature learning. The prevailing meta-learning models in OSDG typically utilize a predefined sequential domain scheduler to structure data partitions. However, a crucial aspect that remains inadequately explored is the influence brought by strategies of domain schedulers during training. In this paper, we observe that an adaptive domain scheduler benefits more in OSDG compared with prefixed sequential and random domain schedulers. We propose the Evidential Bi-Level Hardest Domain Scheduler (EBiL-HaDS) to achieve an adaptive domain scheduler. This method strategically sequences domains by assessing their reliabilities in utilizing a follower network, trained with confidence scores learned in an evidential manner, regularized by max rebiasing discrepancy, and optimized in a bi-level manner. The results show that our method substantially improves OSDG performance and achieves more discriminative embeddings for both the seen and unseen categories.

Authors: Xuejie Liu, Anji Liu, Guy Van den Broeck, Yitao Liang

Title: A Tractable Inference Perspective of Offline RL

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: A popular paradigm for offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks is to first fit the offline trajectories to a sequence model, and then prompt the model for actions that lead to high expected return. In addition to obtaining accurate sequence models, this paper highlights that tractability, the ability to exactly and efficiently answer various probabilistic queries, plays an important role in offline RL. Specifically, due to the fundamental stochasticity from the offline data-collection policies and the environment dynamics, highly non-trivial conditional/constrained generation is required to elicit rewarding actions. it is still possible to approximate such queries, we observe that such crude estimates significantly undermine the benefits brought by expressive sequence models. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes Trifle (Tractable Inference for Offline RL), which leverages modern Tractable Probabilistic Models (TPMs) to bridge the gap between good sequence models and high expected returns at evaluation time. Empirically, Trifle achieves the most state-of-the-art scores in 9 Gym-MuJoCo benchmarks against strong baselines. Further, owing to its tractability, Trifle significantly outperforms prior approaches in stochastic environments and safe RL tasks (e.g. with action constraints) with minimum algorithmic modifications.

Authors: Zihao Wang, Shaofei Cai, Zhancun Mu, Haowei Lin, Ceyao Zhang, Xuejie Liu, Qing Li, Anji Liu, Xiaojian Ma, Yitao Liang

Title: A Tractable Inference Perspective of Offline RL

Proceedings:  In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024)

Abstract: This paper presents OmniJARVIS, a novel Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model for open-world instruction-following agents in Minecraft. Compared to prior works that either emit textual goals to separate controllers or produce the control command directly, OmniJARVIS seeks a different path to ensure both strong reasoning and efficient decision-making capabilities via unified tokenization of multimodal interaction data. First, we introduce a self-supervised approach to learn a behavior encoder that produces discretized tokens for behavior trajectories and an imitation learning policy decoder conditioned on these tokens. These additional behavior tokens will be augmented to the vocabulary of pretrained Multimodal Language Models. With this encoder, we then pack long-term multimodal interactions involving task instructions, memories, thoughts, observations, textual responses, behavior trajectories, etc into unified token sequences and model them with autoregressive transformers. Thanks to the semantically meaningful behavior tokens, the resulting VLA model, OmniJARVIS, can reason (by producing chain-of-thoughts), plan, answer questions, and act (by producing behavior tokens for the imitation learning policy decoder). OmniJARVIS demonstrates excellent performances on a comprehensive collection of atomic, programmatic, and open-ended tasks in open-world Minecraft. Our analysis further unveils the crucial design principles in interaction data formation, unified tokenization, and its scaling potentials

Workshop papers:

Authors: Carlos Mougan, Antonio Ferrara, Laura State, Salvatore Ruggieri, Steffen Staab

Title: Measuring the Impact of Equal Treatment as Blindness via Explanations Disparity

Workshop:  Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Metrics and Evaluation @ NeurIPS 2024

Liberal political philosophy advocates for the policy of equal treatment as blindness, which seeks to achieve fairness by treating individuals without considering their protected characteristics directly. However, this policy has faced longstanding criticism for perpetuating existing inequalities. In machine learning, this policy can be translated into the concept of fairness as unawareness, and be measured using disparate treatment metrics such as Demographic Parity (a.k.a. Statistical Parity). Our analysis reveals that Demographic Parity does not faithfully measure whether individuals are being treated independently of the protected attribute by the model. We introduce the Explanation Disparity metric to measure fairness under equal treatment as blindness policy. Our metric evaluates the fairness of predictive models by analyzing the extent to which the protected attribute can be inferred from the distribution of explanation values, specifically using Shapley values. The proposed metric tests for statistical independence of the explanation distributions over populations with different protected characteristics. We show the theoretical properties of "Explanation Disparity" and devise an equal treatment inspector based on the AUC of a Classifier Two-Sample Test. We experiment with synthetic and natural data to demonstrate and compare the notion with related ones.

Authors: Edgar Torres and Mathias Niepert

Title: Adaptive Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Workshop:  Foundation Models for Science @ NeurIPS 2024

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have emerged as a promising approach for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using neural networks, particularly in data-scarce scenarios due to their unsupervised training capability. However, a key limitation is the need for re-optimization with each change in PDE parameters, similar to the challenge in traditional numerical methods where each system of equations corresponds to a specific PDE instance. This characteristic poses a barrier to the widespread adoption of PINNs across scientific and engineering applications. This survey explores research addressing this limitation through transfer learning and meta-learning, synthesizing insights to establish a foundation for efficient data generation strategies tailored to PINNs. These methods can potentially improve PINNs' training efficiency, enabling quicker adaptation to new PDEs with fewer data and computational demands. While numerical methods directly solve systems of equations to derive solutions, neural networks implicitly learn solutions by adjusting their parameters. One notable advantage of neural networks lies in their capacity to abstract away from specific problem domains, enabling them to retain, discard, or adapt learned representations to efficiently address similar problems. By understanding how these techniques can be applied to PINNs, this survey seeks to identify promising directions for future research to enable the widespread adoption of PINNs across a wide range of scientific and engineering applications.

Authors: Andrei Manolache, Dragos-Constantin Tantaru, Mathias Niepert

Title: MolMix: A Simple Yet Effective Baseline for Multimodal Molecular Representation Learning

Workshop:  Machine Learning for Structural Biology @ NeurIPS 2024

In this work, we propose a simple transformer-based baseline for multimodal molecular representation learning, integrating three distinct modalities: SMILES strings, 2D graph representations, and 3D conformers of molecules. A key aspect of our approach is the aggregation of 3D conformers, allowing the model to account for the fact that molecules can adopt multiple conformations-an important factor for accurate molecular representation. The tokens for each modality are extracted using modality-specific encoders: a transformer for SMILES strings, a message-passing neural network for 2D graphs, and an equivariant neural network for 3D conformers. The flexibility and modularity of this framework enable easy adaptation and replacement of these encoders, making the model highly versatile for different molecular tasks. The extracted tokens are then combined into a unified multimodal sequence, which is processed by a downstream transformer for prediction tasks. To efficiently scale our model for large multimodal datasets, we utilize Flash Attention 2 and bfloat16 precision. Despite its simplicity, our approach achieves state-of-the-art results across multiple datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness as a strong baseline for multimodal molecular representation learning.

Authors: Daniel Musekamp, Marimuthu Kalimuthu, David Holzmüller, Makoto Takamoto, Mathias Niepert

Title: Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers

Workshop:  Data-driven and Differentiable Simulations, Surrogates, and Solvers @ NeurIPS 2024

Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is a fundamental problem in engineering and science. While neural PDE solvers can be more efficient than established numerical solvers, they often require large amounts of training data that is costly to obtain. Active Learning (AL) could help surrogate models reach the same accuracy with smaller training sets by querying classical solvers with more informative initial conditions and PDE parameters. While AL is more common in other domains, it has yet to be studied extensively for neural PDE solvers. To bridge this gap, we introduce AL4PDE, a modular and extensible active learning benchmark. It provides multiple parametric PDEs and state-of-the-art surrogate models for the solver-in-the-loop setting, enabling the evaluation of existing and the development of new AL methods for PDE solving. We use the benchmark to evaluate batch active learning algorithms such as uncertainty- and feature-based methods. We show that AL reduces the average error by up to 71% compared to random sampling and significantly reduces worst-case errors. Moreover, AL generates similar datasets across repeated runs, with consistent distributions over the PDE parameters and initial conditions. The acquired datasets are reusable, providing benefits for surrogate models not involved in the data generation.

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